Magnificent  Vistas
Kingdom Vision And Verse

Remember Jesus 

In the chasm of deepest sorrow
When darkness envelops all we see
Remember our Saviour Jesus
His name and blood  will set you free
Seek His face as you ask in prayer
And knock till  He opens the door
In Him we really lack nothing at all
He provides all we need and more

In times of anguish or regret
Let Jesus cleanse and heal your soul
He is the light destroying darkness
His cleansing love just makes us whole
No evil can stand against Him
For every victory He Has won
Let every knee bow and just remember
Jesus Christ is God's Holy Son

He is all we need and more
Our enemy He will attack
All those who stand against Him
With the enemy on their back
He changes time into Eternity
Then hate and fear will be no more
The new Heaven and Earth a reality
Gifted through Heaven's open door

His promises are sure
Trust  where there is no lack
You see He is not slack
He wills that none should perish
Time is given for to save
That all who come to know Him
Receive the love and life He gave

Helen Arnold


Where eternity meets time
Then time and present must be one
So there is neither past nor future
When the illusion of time is gone
Forever is with us here and now
As sure as eternity is today
The past was the road we travelled here
And Eternity is where we will stay

For the miracle of that ancient promise
Revealed from Father to Son
That love is the only reality
And shows the world Eternally one
For past is a memory within minds eye
And tomorrow a vision yet to be
The beautiful now is what we make it
Until its perfection we can see

Forever is with us here and now
Jesus took our pain and sense of loss
He turned it into abundant life
Seen by all at Calvarys cross
God gave to us His own dear Son
And HIs love is ours forever
All His promises He will fulfil
And He will leave us never

Body , mind and spirit are we
We are God's very own
Before our birth He sowed the seed
And over time it grew
And now it is made known
God loves you oh so very much
The winds of change now blow
Seek Him, His truth and benefits
For He would have you know

Helen Arnold
Eternal Life

What it is you fear about me my friend
What is it you don't understand
What is it about this adventure
Let me show you please take my hand
For I am the sun in the morning
A beautiful sunset at days end
What don't you understand about me
What is it you fear my friend

Like the wind and the soft gentle rain
The peace in your soul as you wake
Life eternal with no beginning, no end
The calm of a crystal clear lake
I am also the flower in your garden
Fragrant and soft as the dew
New beginnings,  I am the light my friend
Take my hand and make all things new

What is it you fear about me my friend
Death is only an awakening from sleep
An adventure, don't fear to take my hand
In GOD's time take eternity's leap
Making peace with God
Reveals the covenant promise
Jesus signed it in HIs own blood
Life eternal bought at a price
As only The Saviour could

When we believe on Jesus
Living in His love and His grace
Blessings unfold the miraculous
Trust in The Lord , see Him face to face

Jesus loves you and so do I