Spotlight Page
What is a Stumbling Block ?
It Can Be

Anything that causes someone to stumble and fall.

Anything that impedes someone’s progress in The Lord.

Anything that causes someone to err.

Leviticus 19:14.....  Psalm 119: 165  ...Ezekiel 3:20
Ezekiel 14: 3-7....Mathew 16:23.......Romans 11: 7-9
Romans 14:13 ....1 Corinthians 22-24....1 Corinthians 8:9
2 Corinthians 6:3  1 Corinthians 1:23
Jesus knew how easy it would be to put a stumbling block in some ones way which prevented or delayed their journey or approach to him.   What we say and do then is so very important.  When we study the above scriptures it does show that we shall be held accountable for those things we did and also for those things that we didn't do and should have.  Importantly also those things we say and those we don't but should.

It all comes down to love driving the thoughts and intents in our relationship with others.   I f we truly love one another as Jesus tells us that we ought, then we are our brothers keeper.  What man amongst us then would ignore the error of a mans ways that were leading him to death?  If by chance we could shed a light in a dark place or bring peace where there is fear and lack?
When we look at the definition of words, we receive insight into the very heart of language and communication.
Communication is not all that it should be and many people fall into error and do not then have the information they need on which to build correct assumptions and decisions that will be life changing.
Misinformation puts someone other than self in charge and I find this an increasingly worrying trend in today’s world.

Spiritually it can be devastating to live on lies and half truths which is why Jesus said “ The truth will make you free.”…. He didn't say may or might make us free but said it will make us free and I believe this.  The word of God is truth.

We must be mindful then not to put stumbling - blocks to peoples understanding or prevent them from growing in truth and knowledge.  Every despot in the world thrives on the ignorance of its people.  The Lord our God would have us grow in truth… this is the language of our God and our Creator.
In truth we come to KNOW.  In truth we stand in the strength of what is - because what is has substance and can be verified.  The hard part is separating fact from fiction, what we would like something to be or mean can be a stumbling block of our own making.

The most amazing thing of all is that truth is not flexible and can be substantiated by science, history, testimony and empirical evidence.  The danger is that part truths can be a stumbling block as they often have incomplete information as a basis for assumption rather than actual substantive truth.  We can see this in so many areas of life and also in our search for meaning of life and God.  It is only
when we use the Creators hard and fast guidelines that we are exposed to complete truth.  Science is now comfirming this fact daily as do the people of GOD.

Being a Christian is not easy but it is beautiful, fulfilling and worth more effort than we hitherto entertain for the most part.

I was astonished to find that the word of God was written by men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit to write. 

Did you know Jesus believed every word of the scriptures ?

Did you know the devil knew every word and will use them against us and that he chose to disobey the the word of God?

I was shocked to find that the Holy Bible contains every solution to every problem because problems are man made and not of God,  and that the church and man often choose to ignore the power of the word, the instructions of the most High God who loves them so much.
What blessings they are truly missing!

The world in its state of chaos, greed and violence has no answers that are meaningful to the poor, the vulnerable and the infirm.  It chooses to create an anything goes society with no perameters or standards that protect all people.   God set in place guide lines for good living from the beginning.
Disobedience brings its own reward and when you examine the evidence, that is really shocking.  The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.  There is a message here.....
PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR FIRST LOVE......Repent for the Kingdom is at hand.   NOW!
GOD Is A Supernatural GOD and nothing is impossible for Him

A great move of God is going on in the world as  we speak.  It is all prophesied in the Holy Bible and thousands are coming to Christ daily through the fire and anointing of The Holy Spirit.  It is nearly time for Christ to return and His people prepare for this.  Be blessed, be awake, knock and it shall be opened to you, ask and it shall be given.  The Church is The Kingdom of God on Earth.  Rightly so it is honour bound to its ruler The King !  All that he is.  We can only know all that he is through his word The Holy Bible and the revelation of the Holy Spirit

Jesus said
" The Truth Will Make You Free"
His truth is written in The Holy Bible
Revealed by the Holy Spirit
Confirmed by history, science


Prepare Now For The Lord

Be prepared for the coming of The Lord
He is coming soon for His church restored
They rejoice in His peace Spirit filled
Purposed prepared just as God willed

They preach the gospel every single word
The most beautiful truths ears have ever heard
Every promise fulfilled to those awake
In The  Kingdom of God for Christ’s own sake

Every sign given glistens bright as a star
As light returns to the earth as foretold
Few still remain to be fulfilled
These treasures worth more than gold

So fill your lamps and trim the wick
Keep enough oil for the light in your flask
For the latter rains are pouring forth
To equip the church for its onerous task.

Gross darkness coming upon the earth
Will be brought into God’s holy light
As watchmen and saints in God’s armour
Can withstand, put the enemy to flight

Not by might but by The Holy Spirit
It is written and therefore shall be done
Through the victory claimed by Christ Jesus
Our Saviour King and God’s holy son

Helen Arnold

Return To His Presence
It was the Lord who created
The light and the darkness
The same Lord who gave us
The day and the night
The very same Lord who teaches his own
What is wrong and what is right in His sight

It is The Lord who brings the seasons
The same Lord that provided a plan
To restore all that which satan did steal
From every child every woman and man
Yes The very same Lord who loves you
Since before even time began

Praise the Lord and return to His Presence
For by the blood of the cross a way is made
His body was broken that we might be healed
He suffered and died and the ransom is paid
Praise The Lord and return to His Presence
To peace and joy that’s eternally laid
Reconciled give Him glory and worship Him
Give thanks for His love which can’t ever fade

Helen Arnold ©