New Wine
You don’t put new wine into old bottles
It’s so vibrant the bottles would break
But New wine is put into new bottles
For both the wine and the vessels own sake
This way both the old and the new wine
Are preserved as they came from the vine
Each complimenting and enhancing each other
To be drunk at God’s specified time
New Wine is pressed new in each season
It has quality aspects that change over time
And conditions prevailing with growth
Are from one source which is the true vine
New Wine always has the same structure
Because it comes direct from the vine
To celebrate and reveal heaven’s purpose
It’s the children’s bread and their wine
For The Lord has said to His children
I would not have you ignorant you know
But understand the fullness as promised
That therein you would prosper and grow
Haven’t I said I will never leave you
My peace I left with you until I come
And the Comforter I sent just as promised
Till the Father says at last it is done
Greetings and peace from The Father
Hold fast that You would overcome
For all things are already accomplished
The victory is in Christ Jesus God’s son
Helen Arnold